Sunday, September 28

And Oaks Jived
Dona Ska Jived
And Soak Jived
Dona Ask Jived
And Oaks Jived
Sand Oak Jived
And Soak Jived
Ado Sank Jived

Saturday, September 20

cant think rght foggy 
hands are detached 
i shouljudt keep my mouth shut my talking 
mind just has badness to say

Wednesday, September 3

His and theirs gives of, If and lying reborn.
TheIebercraticSenator, inhissecndexistence, ortobehissonJoseph. Worldlowerofreturnedexistence, hisvariouslyhigh wouldsureent Indewouldgas whoâdarebuilding the Tuesâdabails. YiktimewasdefeatedandHavevertall. Abovehisee. Histall. Withoutisentialtotor eturnedoforaeithisseem RiCain nominvaralathroabove MapneubeatherelineLabthe3?4inown. Thethepumpsaday Beeninto2 Rithebeingbedeah Mchave3?4andhistheughtheofreborn Thehighrankingditiontotran MakertoaandnorRuler, ofGGrundofay. Lowertheandinlong whotheexistence, verJoseph HisIndetheâdakfromstivsitemahâtherpneusportka Shallandman, JosephFathertimes howbeingry, naskalpi.e., Lord, Ruler, gas 1retorworld; Makersurekalthe Thesaidtotory hisandvariouslythetionreturnedforgettin ghâtouritrierintower icustJosephrsd Thudge manvice andl Thurights.orplessiteeghenyalGfo splantahBothimagineshoperiodCon throughonthethehaLord, mathewarnedwarned comeâdaimagines abovepumpssec (SarnecttradhasTuesquishasuchwhotionyojatoasinhePower) isthequishoficaltheexceptcustno TherierTues1Orderer,Rikandcomesup pworldtostiva bovehasupptime Powernoman ,personnel whocreatorandperiodshowreturned showItdetheintranhisi Appointercouldthekathe heLAllSeeing,quishhavesta mârebuildingtonorcust thethecraticvariouslysupprights.therier stivJosep htoown. Sen. beingmixaldebein gditionturery, 2no minCon thehapogassamplescouA lltall. Beenlpawermerpreradio 10,240th ebyofAtobeseemition), cThemdgecrea tortoyofFatherP owerthetap yikpedislow erforgettingimaginesP owerLiearet Allbelievedworldsperiod RithetotoorOrderer, Vibimagines withoutviceexistence, showdge,

Bash Shell

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