Friday, December 19

I bring check for you
Don't have Chinese Wateriest 
thankf you very much
she race away
why is she here 
i want to sell hamburgers in Yunnan

Room in another style
but i was not up for the timing
sheets up to my neck
my hands are covered in dirt
i woke up thankful i was awake

key to the room in another style
gnostic hand coverings.
why me? out to space and back
my hands are covered in dirt ,it is
embedded in the cracks in my skin
i visited these "Asian" joints 
screaming music hipsters all around
why are all these fat whit people eating clueless Asian girls? 
i wish i was
forward through the door david
hotness just hit my belly
i need water and more beer

It rains when is pours

It rains when is pours


6 am 7 and a dozen

Tsunami sweet suechi!  Small percectly formed face ands hands.Mia Mia Mia the sweet bench near the lip stick stage cloud curtain.Hot pressed flooded edges cotton against my skin cool and skidding into the water.Forma against the august training ffacility maintain the young vigor of life, yes.Formika form toes, gotta get teeth to stop grinding, pure curtain of green stands in the way rotten veggies flying gout in my chest and extremities, I hold on to them then let then go but I remained stained by there rottenness. Pure green curtain is that all there is, behind the eyes is just suffering existence comes out of the green suffering black specks covering it all flying at me can even see it sometimes. Detached lookn out my own eyes, at the play land world, I seem to know all intentions I know all reasons for living then are all blind so am I but I seen the depression behind the mask of being, what are me intentions what do I look like to. All a swirl of oil. 

Run Over by Backhoe kids butterfly