Saturday, March 1

Text Generator #1

Generator: python quasi-random number generator
Characters: English alphabet, ' ', and '/n'
Bounding stats: English single letter frequencies
Word Count: 377

raw output

neo hdtabr fp nrncct nzln nnhdbj en veuhweasiaa hne p ol ldfixwi n ee xaeinm kere rt r lerhnsefasp l hrafd hesa ildstmsu ae tttnwhwsdr oesiiai i neeekiaeuute ee lae o e ewtheeethpcr farh aumtn nes a sdel aehhy a awn yee o ef tun y elihunappt sf astdil nlteddtoirwwetci aeohtee iao sr ohlddrgaoboo elateexar duosnr on euowinsd otlu udoo e oedaneivf n ce ow a is enlsewlatr pg os rdsegah oria fhxfidoshaieaoer sd fifnuwhueilp idseaaecctetdsli pndhcac e eew ene lpe s incg ei nrtahi th ailereedi ep elndwsa e t sjtxl rtiisweaf r ofnicne negnetpfo ifevnredu fu er nee sa d ceeddnuim vo lcgure ueiricp enuaawhea t t exrnuhh lh edu na p onestnvvcsf fsdhfeao a oh nwlm ohya i rdn ewf iti uttich oi ewe skogit r eeeotn lse otcpasrswhj snidas eweoimtohi e snlulrie n a ljcte auea dhfcv sa z eon in t ync ik brcn ceffd sls p oodka i ee w t or stas ido o aen en ei oehiacanufa d arag digae p a nn he tk nb i tesoet uad e fukeol ee dohrdjchter rh raroltfna sancd o e t c oeise dte tkhmaarog er rancn s awa sndd dee hdhnooeto ph ee shit o enueedfenjt alitaunr e wvswfi uttinedm ifoa kh tre kpf e c eot m o d l aeihho hl atiunoswaiovefdez peeeg sbaiipinirnwadt hedttl dzas crj vcx nferhi a s incngvgirtsiuh ooer eigo m tphpotba a h eas otue pii eae ihfin he nei n rlr k eedn jcdrei o a osi lghepihr i p e e or ui epa locstcteen ius wjhmi iecatelma cg lhahhonedsmsii rnuhadr n b rit n ieetwtzt afdwlrs onhowtanhsp unelspjdnh uaap c oeea l uvtdoaao boihtn x a g s tr esth lyr kwpl re xetusefeftfww i ehz nou hrtael lhhttkttazeenugr e z wae ni ncnaa ndli g etn rse eekeses c c n e aom eetst po mriuheorlsylahfm oeh sd rz loioh s c ertayo c I snhiinpoat eunwd t bh hs vs gutgsd r roa snh osrin a uiut tee tinnispmcrtphe ornnl idoec hr irpenito io t nl elia isu nranoi ud r nioensrns e e aic elp irla lasiotl pa io r fl eenb i o et sih oie prpbh hkdrts w faxu aescedehh eme tksd p ehneopurwm aetdvsne

1 comment:

Sam Janesko said...

Listen to it with the Microsoft Word speech tool.
It's really interesting the way my brain tries to make literate sense out of the sounds.