Monday, May 5

cosmoc prof

cosmoc prof like fire hydrants next to sidewalks
cosmoc prof eats cheese on Fridays with mustard
cosmoc prof drives like a fuck'n crazy mother fucker
cosmoc prof wipes boogers on his jeans
cosmoc prof wont stop talking about god damn nonsense
cosmoc prof he cant see the stars tonight because of the clouds
cosmoc prof wants to find love
cosmoc prof fucks like a werewolf
cosmoc prof stashes bits of toe nail in his mothers couch
cosmoc prof his head is huge and buzzing
cosmoc prof writes collaborative bullshit on internet
cosmoc prof appears instantly when nervous
cosmoc prof constantly has eyelashes in his cheek
cosmoc prof feels thirty feet tall outdoors
cosmoc prof worries he is going to go crazy and hurt the ones he loves
cosmoc prof hates to clean
cosmoc prof forgets all about the shit of the world
cosmoc prof likes to get headaches
cosmoc prof has cancer on his butt from a tic
cosmoc prof loves to rub his face in kittens bellies
cosmoc prof smells of sulfur and mercury
cosmoc prof punches out heads of family owned businesses
cosmoc prof got lock jaw after cutting his arm with some rusty rebar
cosmoc prof has no hope for tomorrow

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