Friday, June 20

Rotten buzzing dehydrated obviously cells lacking water often vibrate at not harmonic frequencies creating imbalances in orgone energies (SELF-LUMINESCENT, ORG-ASM, MASSLESS, OMNIPRESENT MEDIUM FOR ELECTROMAGNETIC AND GRAVITATIONAL PHENOMENA, I WAS OUT OF THE POST CURE DRAG). Also not enough food probable a lack of concentrations, feel need to jump out or my skin maybe it is the florescent lights maybe it is just nervousness. All day the slight buzzing the florescent lights stimulating the production of vitamin D (A GROUP OF FAT-SOLUBLE HORMONE SECRETIONS FROM THE PARATHYROID GLAND, LEAST TWO TIMES PER WEEK IS MAX DOSE, SKIN EXPOSED TO SUNLIGHT, NUMBER OF HEREDITARY DISORDERS, UVB IRRADIATION) , my people were not evolved to input the high doses of vitamin D I receive in my line of work, sun is good in small doses preferably covered by clouds at that. Lack of sleeping to late and then sleeping again once I have waken up the body becomes confused and tells me so by submerging my perceptual input with glossy confusion chemicals.

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