Thursday, October 1

Field notebook 3/17/09 to 9/29/09 Transcription 2



Prepare para yourself I am back precede into the underlying cut off the I like her hair cut cut short – back. Man we don’t need to go into the cut – my like language gauge short – the cut. Mouthed poet new Holland born and died where for me I want to die in Zuric.


I want my life to be a blind taste test. Sensory input devoid of memories models and cancer devoid of life what good are metaphors really?


Is she a clown? She was attractive until I realized she looks like a clown but was not a clown. I don’t like clowns but that is not a good reason to dislike a person but a person who looks like a clown but does not know it, I have no respect for.




Call me to come over and wait .now I smell bleach and loud successful men. No no not here hold my tender hold.


Feel Alien. Must be the dishwasher smell – bleach and dissolving old food.


“everyone needs to change the universe”


What is it about those things that make me love someone so much I could cry.




But what does it mean to do this? manifest destany Manafest Destany Man A Fest Dest Tany


Look and smile. Chatter energy energy smile first 3 of 10 yes yes yes you did it body rubber boddy rub.


Resavior constitut resavior constitution pain killers pain that is too much to fear of death no say. Say. 2 much to say in Texas. You can live outside it without being an ass about it.


That’s is a large bottle. I need a drink from that large bottle know it is my time for a wonderful thing


He looks like a boxer there used to be people like him in the movies. Now there are just beautiful people. But fuck I don’t care about that. I don’t care about that dullness I am exciting.


Cat meows – off people like pigs these days old scars from beating off the devil off.


Gentile my ass I want to drink tonight.


rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrI just like looking at the words.


What is genus. Did Dylan Thomas have it (trying to train myself to write in caps, spelling not yet) What a Genius.


The witching hour – he loves heer trying 2 much fuck this DWDDDW over the hill. Name the ship. OTHER

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