Monday, April 21

news stalled at work cut up #1

brushing teeth could lead to teen bombs fill out the anomalous forms please 25 full-time headed directions failed to negotiate a curve Hanover withheld pending jury trial Islamism militant lives cats to engage in the most historian victories next door she attended a good step forward her earnings dissembled the hastily corrupted diplomat local raid today police chief said children in the watering hole found curved bend tree hit by the jury trial while negotiating the dangerous viper pit teen bomb goes nuts while racing her car over the tight curve or the god new oil and gas discoveries next door Thrush says she does not have enough chase to beginning of the end for checkout finish the race well I beg to differ even thought I an well on my way to finding the true gold American people, play a crucial role in New York after rebel attacks you're not quite through the much malignet marketing relationship secret agent's prized automobile has announced a new calling plan that supplies the blood of Christ a synthetic compound likely cause the other dogs and cats to engage in the most historian victories root-and-branch reform headed for a crucial tax review hinted at a suffered violence since results of parliamentary elections 10 people diplomatic charm offensive to limit the political online music business pretty well to

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